What are the bleed, trim & safety lines?
For best printing results, ensure all important content (text and important parts of your photos, logos, and designs) is within the safety line and that the background extends to the bleed line.
A standard bleed is +3mm (+0.125″) on each side of the product and a standard trim is -3mm (-0.125″) on each side of the product.
The bleed line marks the outermost point where your product could be cut.
White edges occur when the background (colours or images) does not extend to the bleed line. Full bleed ensures your background will print to the edge of your product.
The trim line is the space between the safety line and the bleed line where your product is cut.
The safety area is where all content is guaranteed to be on your printed product.
Content outside the safety line may be cut off during the trimming process.
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